Basic Spanish for Library Staff

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Program Type:

Online Course

Program Description

Event Details


Register for this course!

April 8 - May 5, 2025 | Four-week course

Time commitment: 2.5 hours per week

Are you a library staff member eager to enhance your communication skills and better serve the diverse community that visits your library? This course is designed to help you engage with Spanish-speaking patrons effectively, fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Develop basic skills to interact with Spanish speaking library users.
  • Acquire library-specific vocabulary for effective communication.
  • Gain cultural insights to better understand and connect with Spanish-speaking users.
  • Feel confident in assisting users with language needs.
  • Create a more inclusive library environment.

Course Description: This 4-week course will include:

  • Weekly assignments to reinforce learning
  • Optional introduction session:
    • Tuesday, April 8 @ 11 a.m. Pacific
  • Two 60-minute interactive online sessions (each session will be divided into beginner and intermediate learners):
    • Tuesday April 15 @ 10 a.m. Pacific
    • Tuesday April 29 @ 10 a.m. Pacific
  • Optional practice session:
    • Wednesday, April 23 @ 10 a.m. Pacific
  • Live sessions will be recorded, and the recording will be shared afterward.
  • Recommendation of Materials:
    • Curated materials for self-study and review.
    • Spanish language books, audiobooks, and movies.
    • Online resources and websites for language learning.
  • One-on-one meetings with the instructor by appointment.

Course Outline: When you log in to the Infopeople online learning site, you will see weekly modules with these topics:

  • Week 1: Your Community, Spanish Pronunciation, and Basic Vocabulary
    • Who are your library users?
    • Spanish pronunciation rules and tips
    • Basic greetings, introductions, and library vocabulary
  • Week 2: Cultural Awareness and Library Vocabulary
    • Live session
    • Understanding cultural differences
    • Customer service and reference
    • Using library vocabulary
  • Week 3: Connecting with and Supporting Spanish-Speaking Patrons
    • Welcoming and building relations with Spanish speakers
    • Resources and services for Spanish speakers
    • Understanding the needs of the Spanish-speaking community
  • Week 4: Practice and Ongoing Learning
    • Live session
    • Applying learned skills
    • Recap of resources for ongoing learning


Nadia Rendon (she/ her/ hers) migrated from Mexico in 2006 with a degree in engineering. After arriving in Denver in 2009, she decided to continue her education, earning a degree in history from Metro State University in Denver and is currently working on her Master of Library Science from Emporia State University. Her library career began in 2013 with a position in Denver Public Library’s (DPL) Plaza program which supports immigrants and refugees. She has served as the Spanish Services Coordinator at DPL since 2019. In this role, she works with Spanish speakers and communities of Latino/Hispanic roots, develops partnerships with organizations that serve Latino/Hispanic communities, supports marketing and branch services, and advocates for and supports recruitment of bilingual library staff at DPL.


This webinar is presented by Infopeople, supported by Seguimos Creando Enlaces.


Additional Information

Enrollment Statement

I understand that a space will be reserved for me in this learning opportunity at a cost to CALL, and if I am unable to attend this learning opportunity, I will cancel my enrollment as soon as possible and before the start date. 

Single Enrollment Disclaimer

I understand that I can register for only one course at a time (no concurrent courses). If I do not attend this course, I understand that I may forfeit the opportunity to enroll in additional CALL courses during this fiscal year.