Developing Library Services for Teens with Disabilities

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(This webinar and recording is only available to library staff in California. The recording will be available under the CALL Academy People Connect Institute category one week after delivery.)

Public libraries have a mission to serve and include all members of the community, including teens with disabilities. In this webinar, develop a comprehensive plan to welcome teens with disabilities at your library. In this workshop, attendees will learn about collections and technologies for teens with disabilities, innovative programs ideas, and suggestions for outreach and forging partnerships in the community. 

Participants will also learn how to develop best practices for building relationships with teens, working with caregivers, and inclusive customer service.

As a result of this program, attendees will:

  • Learn about issues facing teens with disabilities and possible barriers to library access
  • Gather at least 5 tips for building positive and trusting relationships with teens with disabilities
  • Learn about at least 5 ideas for library programs for teens with disabilities
  • Learn about at least 3 ideas for library and community partnerships to support teens with disabilities


Author, trainer, librarian, administrator, teacher, and accessibility consultant Renee Grassi is an advocate for equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in libraries, schools, and communities. As a neurodivergent librarian herself, Renee has worked in public libraries for over 17 years, developing award-winning library initiatives that welcome, support, and welcome disabled residents and their families and caregivers. Learn more at 

CALL Training Partner for this Event: PCI

Additional Information

Recording in CALL Academy

The recording for this session will be made available in CALL Academy approximately one week after delivery.