Exploring the ALA Core Competences: Core Competences 7 -9

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Event Details

The ALA Committee on Education will host a three-part webinar series to explore the recently adopted Core Competences. These sessions will assist college and university faculty as they begin to align their programs and curricula as well as early career professionals and library administrators and mentors aligning professional practice and expectations with the 2023 Core Competences. Library educators and librarians spanning all levels are invited to attend.

The series includes three live webinars, to introduce and explore three competences. Each webinar will include an overview of the Core Competences, how they were developed, as well as an overview of the intent of the document. Then each live webinar will focus on three of the Core Competences. Each will highlight the components of the Competences, as well as steps library professionals may take to implement the competences within their programs and practice. Presenters and practitioners will share examples of successful use of the competences and conclude with an attendee discussion of implementation strategies.

Access the 2023 Core Competences by copying and pasting the link into your browser https://www.ala.org/educationcareers/careers/corecomp/corecompetences.

If you have questions prior to attending the webinar, please list them in the "Questions and Comments" section.


CALL Training Partner for this Event: American Library Association