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WebinarProgram Description
Event Details
Mychal Threets, recipient of the 'I Love My Librarian' award, loves library joy! But he knows how hard library life can be. He insists that you take breaks when you can, and hopes that you walk away from this conversation remembering how great a library person you are and how happy your community is that you're in your library! Start the year with some inspiration, and reconnect to your joy.
Presenter: Mychal Threets
Mychal Threets has been a library worker since 2013. He went from library kid to library shelver to librarian to Supervising Librarian at the Solano County Library in the Bay Area. He considers himself to be a library card pusher and a book pusher. He was a homeschool kid, who was raised in the library where he got his first library card and first library job. He loves all things library!
Additional Information
Recording in CALL Academy
The recording for this session will be made available in CALL Academy approximately one week after delivery.