Library Signage: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

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Program Description

Event Details

Customer service and library signage go hand in hand. How do patrons see your library’s signage and does it address appropriate customer needs? The session will look critically at many types of library signs and review the positive and negative aspects of library signage. We will also address how to conduct a signage audit and the importance of library branding. This session also addresses customer service issues related to signage. Online resources and opportunities for Q&A and discussion will be provided.

  • Understand the Role of Signage in Customer Service: Participants will recognize how library signage impacts patrons' experience and overall satisfaction.
  • Critically Evaluate Library Signage: Participants will learn to assess library signage by examining real-life examples of both effective and ineffective signs. 
  • Identify Common Signage Mistakes: Participants will be able to identify and avoid common signage errors that can confuse or frustrate patrons. 
  • Learn How to Conduct a Signage Audit: Participants will learn to systematically review their library’s signage for clarity, consistency, and effectiveness. 
  • Explore the Importance of Library Branding in Signage: Participants will understand how signage serves as an extension of library branding and why consistent messaging is crucial. 
  • Address Customer Service Issues Related to Signage: Participants will recognize signage’s role in addressing patron needs and how it can be used to enhance service. 
  • Apply Best Practices for Creating Effective Signage: Participants will learn design and messaging best practices to ensure their signs communicate clearly and professionally. 
  • Utilize Online Resources for Further Improvement: Participants will explore online tools and resources to help improve or design better signage.

CALL Training Partner for this Event: LibraryWorks

**NOTE**: Access information for this learning event will be sent to all registrants by LibraryWorks before the start of the event.


Additional Information

Enrollment Statement

I understand that a space will be reserved for me in this learning opportunity at a cost to CALL, and if I am unable to attend this learning opportunity, I will cancel my enrollment as soon as possible and before the start date.