Online library tools for K-12 and rural living: COMPASS and the CA State Library

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California has a unique program for students from the California State Library available for all communities in the state – the California Online Media Program for Access and Student Success, or COMPASS. These online resources are available for all K-12 schools and local libraries and are paid for at the state level. Learn how to support students from pre-K to pre-college, including distance-learning and home-school settings. There are tools and content for new readers, a performing arts and history streaming service, STEM tools, and college-level research resources. The State Library also provides funds for local libraries for community needs, including rural communities and digital tools for all. Come learn about COMPASS and rural-library programming in this special session for California’s sparsely populated communities. Webinar initiated with advice from the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC).

Presenter name(s) and bio(s): 

Mary Beth Barber is the program manager for COMPASS, joined the State Library in 2016 and the State of California since 2003, and is a current reader for the California Young Reader Medal program, now in its 50th year.

Megan Segle is the analyst for COMPASS, joined the State Library in 2023, has worked at high school and local libraries, and is a committee member for the Recommended Literature List from the California Department of Education.


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Recording in CALL Academy

The recording for this session will be made available in CALL Academy approximately one week after delivery.